Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Hair Loss After Pregnancy. How to Treat it?

Hair loss after pregnancy is quite normal.

But during pregnancy, many women experience thicker, fuller hair at around 15 weeks gone.

Experts say this is due to the rise in hormones such as estrogen while pregnant. This hormone is thought to pause the hair renewal cycle which prevents hair from shedding like it normally does.

If you normally have thin hair, this may feel great! Many pregnant women find their hair becomes thicker and stronger.

But all good things come to an end and you may notice a sudden shedding of hair, even in clumps up to 6 months after you have the baby. Which can be quite scary.

The thing to remember is – this is completely normal and it happens when your hormones start to drop back to normal levels.

Check out our pick for hair loss products here. These are what we have used.

Postpartum Hair Loss – How Long Does It Last?

When you experience hair loss after pregnancy, try not to stress. I know it’s easy to say but your body just needs time to get back to normal.

If you haven’t experienced postpartum hair loss yet, this may because you are breastfeeding. Occasionally hair will not fall immediately after pregnancy, until the little one starts on formula.

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Most women get their usual hair growth cycle back between 6 and 12 months after giving birth.

Best Treatments for Hair Loss After Pregnancy

hair loss after pregnancy

Unfortunately, there is no actual cure for hair loss after pregnancy. But, there are a few methods you can try to help your hair look and feel fuller and healthier again. The best postpartum hair treatments to try are;

Ditch the Hot Styling Tools

The last thing your hair needs after giving birth is to be ravaged further with hot styling tools. These can damage your remaining hair and even make it look thinner.

If you can, let your hair air dry and pat dry gently with a soft towel.

Be gentle while brushing and even invest in a wide tooth comb which is gentler on knots. Hair may come out in clumps if you brush too vigorously.

Use a Volumising Shampoo

While you probably won’t have much time to wash your hair as a new mum, when you do, use a volumising shampoo.

Some normal conditioning shampoos can make your hair look even thinner. A good, quality volumising shampoo may add some much needed volume and give your locks a boost.

Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet

eat a balanced diet

A healthy diet is needed after giving birth, to keep you energised for the little one. The right food also helps to nourish hair and build new follicles strong and shiny.

Foods that are great for hair health include; fatty fish, leafy greens, eggs, sweet potatoes, carrots, fruit, nuts and seeds.

Get Enough Vitamins

As a new mum, you may not have the time to cook healthy, nutritious meals. And this is where vitamin supplements can help.

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Supplements fill in the gaps when it’s not possible to eat a well-rounded diet.

Alongside general vitamins, continue to take your prenatal supplement, especially if you are breast-feeding.

Talk to your GP if you don’t know which vitamins are right for you.

Visit Your Doctor if Post Pregnancy Hair Loss is Excessive

While hair loss and hair thinning after pregnancy is common, if it seems excessive, don’t be afraid to check in with your doctor.

It will put your mind at rest and they can check for other symptoms which may point to an underlying cause.

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