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How To Grow Afro Fast In 14 Easy Steps 2024

Growing afro is not easy. It takes a lot of patience and maintenance to grow Afro fast and keep it neat and bouncy. 

You will also face a lot of issues like breakage, thinning, lack of hair growth and dryness in the process of growing them.

Related: How To Grow Short Curly Hair

But it is not impossible to achieve healthy and good looking afro hair. Growing afro can be a cakewalk if you understand your hair and use suitable hair products.  

You have to be consistent and put in some efforts to get good results. 

We have listed a few tips and tricks that you can follow to get beautiful afro hair in no time.

How to Grow Afro Fast 2023

Moisturise your hair

sheamoisture conditioner

This is a no brainer. Moisturising is one of the best things you could do to your hai irrespective of the hair texture or type. So it is important to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.

You should also incorporate hair moisturisers like oils, hair butter, leave-in conditioners, hair pomades etc that can provide external hydration to the hair.

Moisturisation helps in strengthening your hair, making it elastic and making it less vulnerable to damages. 

Half of your hair problems can be solved by moisturising regularly and it is no exception for growing afro. 

 Oil your hair

jojoba oil for black hair

Hair oiling is the perfect detox for your dull and dead hair. You can easily put on a hair mask using oils once or twice a week to see amazing results.

Oiling your hair is something that has been practised since ancient times to grow and replenish your hair. 

Make sure to massage the oils on your scalp when you are applying it since it could improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth.

hair oil for black afro hair

Some of the best oils you can apply to your hair include castor oil, coconut oil, olive oil and Moroccan argan oil. 

Oiling your hair makes it immune to regular wear and tear. It protects your hair from pollution, environmental stressors, heat damage and thinning. It also promotes a healthy scalp.

Protective styling

protective hairstyle for afro hair

Afro hair is very fragile and is prone to breakage and thinning. This is why you should opt for hairstyles that control and maintain your hair. 

Frequently washing, grooming, conditioning and styling can take a toll on your hair. Protective hairstyles can make your hair stable and intact for a longtime without any such disturbances. 

crochet hair for afro

This is especially good for your ends as constant tugging can cause split ends and breakage. Some of the most common protective hairstyles include braids, twists, updos and wigs.

People add synthetic wigs and extensions to protective hairstyles to give them an attractive look. This is a very practical and fashionable hairstyle that goes will all types of outfits. 

Deep Conditioning 

Deep condition is the best hair procedure for dull and dehydrated hair. If your hair has been subjected to a lot of styling, chemical treatments of hair coloring, it could be dry. 

deep conditioner for afro hair

This is why deep conditioning should be a staple in your regular hair care routine. Deep conditioners are available in stores or you could even make a DIY deep conditioner at home.

Deep conditioning is coating your hair with nourishing and conditioning products that are usually rich in emollients.

 Use homemade masks

Deep conditioning helps in providing intense and instant hydration to your strands. Homemade masks are one of the best ways to deep condition your hair.

Most of the ingredients of the homemade mask are available in your kitchen. Some of the natural ingredients for deep conditioning include Honey, Coconut oil, Banana, Olive Oil, Egg white, avocado etc. 

home remedies for afro hair

A homemade mask is highly nourishing because of the fresh and natural ingredients you use. You can also put essential oils and other ingredients in the hair mask to get added benefits. 

You can also experiment with various ingredients to find suitable ones for you. Make sure to wash your hair properly after applying these masks otherwise it might leave some residue and debris. 

Do not wash your hair frequently

how to grow natural black hair without chemicals

Washing your hair every day is not recommended. Every hair is different and they need different wash schedules.

So it is important to understand your hair type and texture before planning your hair wash.

Ideally, you should be washing your hair once or twice a week. If you feel like your hair gets oily and greasy really fast, you should wash your hair more often.

One important factor while determining this is the basis of the level of oil in your scalp. Our hair produces important natural oils.

Frequently washing your hair can strip off these oils and make your hair dry.  So to grow Afro fast, cut down on your washing or try the "no-poo" method or co-washing.

Coarse hair is not usually greasy so you just have to wash your hair once a week. Otherwise, you might experience dryness, breakage and thinning.

 Trim split ends

how to grow an afro female

When your hair becomes dehydrated, it leads to split ends. They are literally your hair strand split into two. 

Split ends can be caused due to a lot of reasons including regular heat styling, environmental damage, chemical treatments etc. 

Using certain hair products could also lead to split ends since they might contain harsh chemical ingredients. 

Just remember, split ends are not reversible. The only way to get rid of it is to go for a trim. 

However, you can reduce their appearance to an extent using hair masks, hair creams, leave-in conditioners etc. 

You can also use DIY recipes to create your own hair mask using various oils.

The best thing you can do for your hair is to avoid getting split ends. To keep split ends at bay, make sure to get regular cuts and trims and avoid washing your hair every day.

It's also best if you avoid hair products with harsh ingredients.

To keep your Afro healthy be sure to moisturize your hair often, use a heat protection spray, and reduce chemical treatments.

Use heat protectants

cantu shea butter for natural hair

All of us subject our hair to a lot of heat when styling or even while drying our hair. The heat from styling tools like curling tongs, flat irons, and hair dryers can take a toll on hair’s natural structure.

It could lead to loss of natural oils, dryness, dehydration and hair breakage. This is why it is necessary to use a heat protectant before using these tools on your hair.

Heat protectants come in various forms. It is commonly available in the form of a heat protectant spray that can be sprayed all over your hair before styling. 

You can also find many cream-based heat protectants that should be applied to your hair before using these tools.  

Wrap up your hair

durag for afro hair

You could be using every trick in the book and still end up with untidy hair if you don’t take care of your hair during sleep. 

People hardly give enough attention to their hair when they are sleeping but it is of utmost importance.

Our hair is subjected to a lot of damage during sleep. One of the most common damages is caused by the friction between your hair and the sheets or pillow covers. 

This could also be a potential reason for frizzy hair, dryness, tangles, breakage and even hair fall! The fabric of your sheets could even absorb the moisture in your hair. 

This is why you should be careful of what your hair comes into contact with when you sleep. 

Ideally, a silk pillowcase can be really beneficial for your hair since it reduces friction and creates a smooth surface for your hair to rest.

Using a protective durag is also a great way to help grow Afro fast.

But people with afro hair should take a step ahead and wrap their head using a head wrap or a bonnet that is made up of silk or satin. 

Take care of your edges

Your edges are often ignored but they are vulnerable to a lot of damage. The hair on our edges are thinner and finer than the rest of our hair so sit needs extra care.

You can give some extra care and love to your edges by moisturising them frequently and making sure to provide enough coverage with a heat protectant when necessary.

Gentle Brushing

brushing afro hair

Brushing your hair, if not done correctly can lead to a lot of problems. This is especially important for people with thin and fragile hair.

When our hair is dry and dehydrated, it is prone to breakage and thinning. This can double when you exert pressure using a hair brush or a comb.

So, make sure to use a moisturiser on your hair regularly to reduce any tangles, frizz and breakage while brushing your hair.

It is also advised to use a wide-toothed comb for easy detangling.

Take care of your diet

foods for growing afro fast

No matter how much external care and pampering you give to your hair, you will not see results if your diet is not healthy. 

Maintaining a well-balanced diet is not just necessary for healthy hair, but it positively affects your overall health. 

Healthy hair growth demands lots of hydration and abundant levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Iron, Zinc and Proteins. 

diet to grow afro fast

So it is important to consume a balanced diet that gives you all of these nutrients to see healthy hair growth and texture. 

Here were some easy tips to take care of your Afro. By following them regularly you can grow your Afro fast and keep it healthy

African American hair, especially the 4c coily hair texture needs more care and nourishment as it tends to lose moisture easily. 

Shrinkage also makes your hair appear shorter than it is. So if you want long, gorgeous-looking hair,  try the tips above.

Use Minoxidil On Scalp

Yes, Minoxidil has been proven to increase hair growth. So it's kind of obvious it will help you if you want to increase the length of your Afro. This ingredient is available in several forms for both men and women. There are foams, serums and cream versions of Minxoidil.

In fact, there are also Minoxidil shampoos! Minoxidil works by increasing blood flow to your scalp and is often prescribed in treating androgenetic alopecia.

Use Natural Ingredients To Grow Hair

Did you know that rosemary essential oil shows properties similar to that of Minoxidil for hair growth? So add a few drops to your hair oil/cream, everytime you apply it to your scalp and see the results!

Also, natural or herb-based products are generally better than hair products laden with silicones, sulfates, etc. as the latter are harsh on your hair. So substituting sulfate-based shampoos with natural cleansers like soap nuts and heavy, buildup causing creams with natural shea butter and coconut oil.

FAQs on How To Grow Natural African Hair Fast

How long does it take to grow a afro?

The correct answer to this is that "it depends"! There's no one type of hair and scalp so growing your Afro depends on a lot of factors, including your hair type and how often you wash it. Generally, though, it can take anywhere from two to four weeks for your hair to start growing back at a normal rate. It's also important to note that your hair may not return to its original length - it may only be slightly longer than before. So, patience is key!

Does cutting Afro hair make it grow faster?

This is a question that has been asked many times and there is no clear answer. Some people believe that cutting Afro hair can speed up hair growth, while others say that there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. There are a few reasons why this question may be asked: some people may believe that shorter hair is easier to manage, while others may believe that the cut itself stimulates hair growth. Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer.
However, we can safely say that cutting Afro hair regularly prevents split ends and hair damage. So it can definitely reduce hair loss due to breakage if not actually stimulate growth.

How to make black hair grow faster overnight?

There isn't a single magic wand that can make Black curly hair grow faster overnight, but there are a few things you can do to help speed up the process. Here are some of the most common tips:
Use hair growth tonics/topical ointments- Many of the Black hair growth products (such as Rogaine or Finasteride) on the market promote healthy hair growth, which is great news if you're looking to increase your chances of seeing results. However, be sure to read the ingredients carefully before using them, as some of them may contain harsh chemicals that can damage your hair or trigger scalp sensitivity.
Moisurize, Moisturize, Moisturize - Curly Afro hair requires regular care in order to stay hydrated and healthy. Make sure to include products like conditioners, shampoos, and serum in your regular routine to help keep your curls looking shiny and healthy.
Get plenty of sleep - A good night's sleep is essential for promoting healthy hair growth, and curly hair is no exception. Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night to help your curls bounce back with energy the next day.
Exercise regularly - Exercise has been shown to promote overall health and well-being, including better hair growth rates. Add some exercise into your daily routine by working out for 30 minutes at least three times per week. This will help improve blood circulation and promote new hair growth in your follicles.

I hope these tips helped you realize what needs to be done to make your Afro grow longer. A lot times, you're Afro hair is growing but you're not able to realise it because of shrinkage.

So make sure you compare the results when you're in the shower and your hair is fully saturated. It'll give you a better idea of what your exact hair length looks like.

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