Why Does My Hair Fall Out When I Massage My Scalp

Why Does My Hair Fall Out When I Massage My Scalp? 5 Surprising Reasons

Wondering “why does my hair fall out when I massage my scalp?” Find out in the article below. Also learn how to massage your hair.

Uncover the reasons behind hair shedding during scalp massages and learn whether this common experience signals a healthy hair journey or a concern to address.

Key Takeaways:

  • Experiencing hair fall during scalp massages is common and often a natural occurrence.
  • Natural shedding, trapped hairs, and buildup can contribute to hair loss during massages.
  • Aggressive massaging techniques may exacerbate hair fall.
  • Underlying medical conditions like alopecia or hormonal imbalances could also play a role.
  • To prevent hair loss during massages, be gentle, use moisturizers, and avoid prolonged massaging.
  • Scalp massages promote circulation, stimulate hair growth, and improve scalp health.

Why Does My Hair Fall Out When I Massage My Scalp?

Experiencing hair fall during a scalp massage can be alarming, but it’s often a normal occurrence. Massaging the scalp can help to loosen and remove dead hair strands that are already in the resting phase of the hair growth cycle. However, excessive hair loss could indicate underlying issues such as nutritional deficiencies, stress, hormonal imbalances, or scalp conditions.

Why Does My Hair Fall Out When I Massage My Scalp

1. Natural Hair Shedding

The first and most common reason for hair fall during scalp massage is natural shedding. On average, individuals lose between 50 to 100 hairs per day as part of the natural hair growth cycle. When massaging the scalp, especially with gentle pressure, it can dislodge hairs that are already in the shedding phase.

These hairs may have reached the end of their growth cycle and are ready to fall out naturally. Therefore, it’s essential to differentiate between normal shedding and excessive hair loss.

2. Trapped Hairs and Buildup

Another reason for hair fall during scalp massage is the dislodging of trapped hairs and buildup. Over time, dead skin cells, oils, and product residue can accumulate on the scalp, potentially trapping hairs within the follicles. When massaging the scalp, these trapped hairs may be released, leading to increased hair fall.

This phenomenon is more pronounced if one has not washed their hair in a few days, as the buildup can exacerbate the shedding process. Regular cleansing of the scalp can help prevent the accumulation of debris and minimize hair fall during massage.

benefits of hair massage
Source: Instagram@hayatispa

3. Aggressive Massaging Techniques

Aggressive or rough massaging techniques can also contribute to hair fall during scalp massage. While massaging the scalp can stimulate blood flow and promote relaxation, excessive pressure or vigorous rubbing can cause unnecessary stress on the hair follicles.

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This stress can lead to breakage and potential hair loss. It’s essential to be gentle when massaging the scalp, using circular motions with fingertips rather than harsh rubbing or pulling. Practicing a gentle approach can help minimize the risk of hair damage and loss.

4. Underlying Scalp Conditions

Underlying scalp conditions such as dandruff, psoriasis, or eczema can exacerbate hair fall during scalp massage. These conditions often involve inflammation, itching, and flaking of the scalp, leading to increased scratching or rubbing. Excessive scratching can damage the hair follicles and cause hair to fall out.

Additionally, certain scalp conditions may disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, leading to increased shedding. Seeking treatment for underlying scalp issues can help alleviate symptoms and reduce hair loss associated with these conditions.

5. Underlying Medical Conditions

In some cases, hair fall during scalp massage may be indicative of underlying medical conditions such as alopecia areata, hormonal imbalances, or nutritional deficiencies. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss in patches, and massaging the scalp may exacerbate hair fall in affected areas.

Hormonal imbalances, such as those experienced during pregnancy or menopause, can also contribute to hair loss. Furthermore, deficiencies in essential nutrients like iron, vitamin D, and protein can affect hair health and lead to increased shedding.

My Hair’s Falling Out After Massaging, Is This Normal

The answer to your question is yes, it is absolutely normal for your hair to fall out after a head massage. It is actually quite common to experience some hair loss when you massage your scalp– especially after a more intense massage. 

This momentary loss of hair is typically caused by a combination of friction from the massage and our bodies’ natural shedding process. 

That being said, it’s still completely normal to be alarmed when you notice your hair falling out after a massage. 

If you’re especially worried about hair loss, talk to your stylist about techniques for styling your hair to minimize the amount of stress you put on your scalp during a massage. 

That may include utilizing more gentle techniques such as a fingertips-only massage or adding additional protective products like balayage highlights that shield your hair from damage when styling. 

Overall, losing a few strands of hair during a massage isn’t an immediate cause for concern. 

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However, if you’re experiencing significantly more hair loss than usual, it is worth speaking to your stylist or medical professional to evaluate your overall scalp health.

How I do I stop hair from falling when I massage my scalp

You may be in dismay and dismayed every time your hair falls out when you massage your scalp, but thankfully, there are ways to prevent this from happening. 

Be Gentle In Your Massage

To stop this from occurring, limit the intensity of your scalp massage and always be gentle. 

Even though your hair strands are naturally strong and durable, over-manipulation of the scalp can cause your strands to easily break and eventually fall out. 

Use Moisturizer To Add Some Slip

Another way to prevent hair loss when massaging your scalp is to apply a leave-in conditioner before you start. 

Leave-in conditioners can reduce breakages from exceptionally dry scalp and brittle hair, and many of them are specifically designed for this purpose. 

Additionally, applying a leave-in conditioner before you massage your scalp can improve your scalp’s overall health by providing nourishment and locking in moisture. 

This prevents your scalp from drying out or becoming overstimulated from massage. 

massaging scalp without hair fall

Use Your Fingertips Instead of Your Nails

To protect your hair from breakage when you massage your scalp, it’s important to be extremely gentle. 

Start by using light, circular strokes around your scalp using your fingertips instead of your nails, and make sure to keep the amount of pressure minimal. If the massage is too intense it can cause friction, which can weaken your hair’s structure and lead to breakage. 

Don’t Massage For Too Long

Finally, be mindful of how much time you spend massaging your scalp. 

A massage that’s too long can cause stress to the follicle, resulting in hair loss and an unhealthy scalp. To avoid hair fall, keep your scalp massage to no more than 10 minutes per session. 

Overall, To stop hair loss when you massage your scalp, you must be gentle, opt for an oil or moisturizer, and keep the massage short and light. 

With these tips and tips alone, you can ensure that your hair will stay strong and healthy and your scalp will remain nourished and vibrant.

Is It Okay That I’m Losing Hair While Massaging Scalp

how much hair do i lose while massage

Losing your hair can be a worrying experience, as it is understandable to think that a massage of your delicate scalp should not come with a price. 

Although it can feel like an alarming amount of hair, it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day

Even though this may seem like a lot, the average person has around 100,000 to 150,000 strands, meaning that losing a few is not likely to make much of a difference. 

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Most people shed hairs that have grown to the end of their life cycle, or that have been weakened and fallen out due to chemical processes, such as dyeing or styling, or environmental factors. 

This means that when these strands are gently brushed out during a massage, the scalp will be free of old hair ready for new hair to be produced. 

So, don’t be alarmed if you see a few hairs in your brush, it’s just your body’s natural hair refresh.

Why Should You Massage Your Scalp Anyway?

Scalp massages are a popular means of stimulating the scalp and promoting hair growth. 

Many people have seen results from massage techniques including increased blood flow and strengthening of hair follicles that lead to thicker, longer locks. 

Massaging your scalp can improve circulation and stimulate the hair follicles, both of which can promote hair growth. 

During the massage, you can use your fingertips to massage your scalp, the palms of your hands, or use a tool such as a scalp brush. 

Additionally, it’s advisable to use some sort of oil like coconut or almond oil to add moisture to the scalp and nourish the hair as well.

Why You Should Trust Haireveryday?

The author of this article, Leah Marie Priest has a degree in Cosmetology with years of experience in dealing with hair care, scalp care, and hairstyling. As someone who extensively deals with all kinds of hair textures, products, styling methods and more, hair Leah Marie knows what kind of products and procedures suit each hair type and person. We have also tested these hair products and processes ourselves to provide you an unbiased review about every product. Each of our articles are also reviewed by a team of medical professionals so that you get the most accurate and expert-reviewed information.


Overall, scalp massages can be a beneficial practice for helping improve circulation and invigorate the scalp to promote strong and healthy hair. However, hair loss due to scalp massages varies for each individual. 

Depending on the level of pressure exerted during the massage, everyone’s scalp reacts differently. 

It is recommended to have your hair done professionally to get a thorough, yet gentle, massage from a well-trained stylist, such as one specializing in balayage or highlights styles. 

When done properly, such massages can improve blood flow to the scalp and allow your locks to flourish with vibrancy.

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