How to Get Static Out of Hair

How to Get Static Out of Hair | 10 Proven Tips and Products

How to Get Static Out of Hair? Tired of dealing with hair static? Uncover the top strategies and tips to banish static from your locks for good. From DIY remedies to professional solutions, this article guides you through effective methods to enjoy frizz-free, static-free hair.

Having struggled with static in my hair during the dry, cold winter months, I know firsthand how frustrating and uncomfortable it can be. Flyaway hair can turn even the best hair day into a nightmare. 

Over time, I’ve discovered numerous effective ways to combat this annoying issue.

In this article, I will share my tried-and-tested tips and some top-notch products that have helped me banish static from my hair. We’ll also explore what causes static in hair, how to deal with it in winter, and why your hair might become staticky after straightening it.

How to Get Static Out of Hair

Static hair can be an absolute nuisance. Those unruly strands sticking up and crackling with electricity can ruin even the best hair day. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to combat static and keep your locks looking smooth and sleek. 

1. Hydrate Your Hair

One of the primary causes of static in hair is dryness. When your hair lacks moisture, it becomes more prone to static electricity. Here’s what you can do to keep your hair hydrated:

Tip: Use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner that are formulated to lock in moisture. Look for ingredients like glycerin, panthenol, and natural oils such as argan or coconut oil.

Explanation: Hydrating shampoos and conditioners replenish your hair’s moisture levels, preventing it from becoming dry and static-prone. These products work to seal the hair cuticle, reducing the likelihood of static buildup.

2. Limit Heat Styling

Excessive use of heat styling tools like straighteners and curling irons can strip your hair of essential moisture, leaving it more susceptible to static. Here’s how to manage heat styling without causing static:

Tip: Lower the temperature on your styling tools. High heat can damage your hair and contribute to static. Use the lowest effective heat setting to achieve your desired style.

Explanation: Reducing the heat minimizes moisture loss and heat-related damage, making your hair less likely to develop static.

3. Use Leave-in Conditioner

is static guard good for hair

Leave-in conditioners are a fantastic solution for combating static hair. Here’s how to apply them effectively:

Tip: After washing your hair, apply a small amount of leave-in conditioner, focusing on the ends and mid-lengths. Do not rinse it out.

Explanation: Leave-in conditioners provide an extra layer of moisture and protection, acting as a barrier against static electricity. They leave your hair smoother and more manageable.

4. Dry Your Hair Properly

The way you dry your hair can make a significant difference in preventing static. Here’s what you should do:

Tip: Pat your hair dry gently with a microfiber towel instead of rubbing it vigorously. Avoid using high heat when blow-drying, and always point the dryer nozzle down the hair shaft to prevent frizz.

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Explanation: Rubbing your hair with a regular towel can generate friction, leading to static. Using lower heat settings and proper blow-drying techniques minimize moisture loss and reduce static buildup.

5. Humidify Your Environment

Maintaining the right humidity levels in your home can help combat static. Here’s how to do it:

Tip: Use a humidifier in your living space, especially during dry seasons or in winter when indoor heating systems can sap moisture from the air.

Explanation: A humidifier adds moisture to the air, preventing it from becoming too dry. This helps maintain the natural moisture balance in your hair and reduces static.

6. Anti-Static Hairbrush

How to Get Static Out of Hair
Source: Instagram@hair_magicbymandi

Investing in an anti-static hairbrush can work wonders for taming unruly hair. Here’s how to use it effectively:

Tip: Brush your hair gently with an anti-static hairbrush, starting from the roots and moving towards the tips. Use slow, smooth strokes to avoid generating static.

Explanation: Anti-static hairbrushes are designed to distribute your hair’s natural oils evenly, reducing static and leaving your locks smoother and shinier.

7. Opt for Natural Fiber Accessories

The materials you choose for your accessories can impact static generation. Here’s what you should look for:

Tip: When wearing scarves, hats, or using pillowcases, opt for those made from natural fibers like cotton or silk instead of synthetic materials.

Explanation: Natural fibers create less friction than synthetic materials, reducing static and preventing your hair from becoming charged with electricity.

8. Static Control Sprays

There are specially formulated products designed to combat static hair. Here’s how to use them:

Tip: Spray a static control product lightly over your hair, keeping it at arm’s length. Focus on the areas where static tends to be the most problematic.

Explanation: Static control sprays contain ingredients that neutralize the electrical charge in your hair, leaving it smooth and manageable.

9. Avoid Plastic Combs

The type of comb you use can affect static generation. Here’s what you should use instead:

Tip: Switch to combs made of materials like wood or metal, which are better conductors of electricity than plastic.

Explanation: Plastic combs have insulating properties that can exacerbate static. Wooden or metal combs help reduce static buildup while detangling your hair.

10. Tame Flyaways with Natural Oils

If you’re dealing with pesky flyaways, natural oils can come to your rescue. Here’s how to apply them:

Tip: Apply a small amount of natural oil, such as coconut oil or argan oil, to the tips of your hair to keep flyaways at bay. Be sure to use these oils sparingly to avoid a greasy look.

Explanation: Natural oils act as excellent moisturizers, hydrating your hair and controlling static while providing a sleek finish.

Static hair may be a common issue, but it doesn’t have to ruin your day. By following these top 10 tips, you can effectively remove static from your hair and enjoy smooth, manageable locks. 

Remember to hydrate your hair, use leave-in conditioners, and be gentle when drying and styling. Additionally, incorporating anti-static tools and products into your hair care routine can make a world of difference.

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What Causes Static in Hair

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand what causes static in hair. Static occurs when the balance of positive and negative charges in your hair is disrupted. This imbalance is more likely to happen in certain conditions:

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1. Dry Air: Low humidity, especially during winter, can rob your hair of moisture, leaving it prone to static. When the air lacks moisture, it can’t conduct electricity effectively, leading to static buildup.

2. Friction: Rubbing your hair against fabrics, like scarves, hats, or pillowcases, can generate static electricity. This is particularly common in winter when you wear more clothing and accessories.

3. Overheating: Excessive heat styling with tools like straighteners or blow dryers can strip your hair of moisture, making it more susceptible to static.

4. Lack of Moisture: Dehydrated hair is more likely to generate static. If your hair is parched and thirsty, it can’t maintain its natural electrical balance.

Now that we understand why static happens let’s explore some practical solutions to keep it at bay.

How to Remove Static in Hair in Winter

How to Remove Static in Hair in Winter
Source: Instagram @kohinoorbeautyusa

Winter is a notorious season for causing static hair due to its low humidity and cold temperatures. Here are some additional tips to help you combat static during this season:

– Wear a Humidity-Resistant Hairstyle: Opt for hairstyles that are less likely to create friction. A loose bun or a braid can help keep your hair in check.

– Use Silk Pillowcases: Swap your cotton pillowcase for a silk one. Silk is less likely to generate static and can help maintain your hair’s moisture.

– Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body and hair hydrated from within. This can make a significant difference in combating static.

Why Does My Hair Get Staticky After Straightening It

Straightening your hair can strip it of moisture, making it more prone to static. Here’s why this happens and what you can do to prevent it:

– Heat Damage: Excessive heat from straighteners can damage your hair’s cuticles, making it more susceptible to static. To avoid this, use a heat protectant spray before straightening and keep the temperature moderate.

– Use Ionic Straighteners: Consider investing in an ionic hair straightener. These tools emit negative ions that neutralize the positive charge causing static, leaving your hair sleek and static-free.

How To Get Static Out Of Hair After Washing

How To Get Static Out Of Hair After Washing
Source: Instagram@shellmasquerade

After washing your hair, it’s essential to use the right products to combat static. Start with a hydrating shampoo and conditioner that are formulated to lock in moisture. Look for products containing ingredients like glycerin, panthenol, and natural oils such as argan or coconut oil. These will help replenish your hair’s moisture levels, making it less prone to static.

Once you’ve applied your shampoo and conditioner, be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly. Residue from these products can contribute to static. Use lukewarm water and take your time to ensure all shampoo and conditioner are completely washed out. This step is crucial in preventing static from forming in the first place.

Consider using a microfiber towel to dry your hair after washing. Pat your hair gently with the towel instead of rubbing it vigorously. Rubbing your hair with a regular towel can create friction, leading to static. Patting it dry with a microfiber towel is much gentler and reduces the chances of static buildup.

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If you find that your hair is still staticky after washing, a leave-in conditioner can come to the rescue. Apply a small amount of leave-in conditioner to your damp hair, focusing on the ends and mid-lengths. Leave-in conditioners act as an additional moisture barrier, preventing static electricity from taking hold and leaving your hair smoother and more manageable.

Consider switching to an anti-static hairbrush. These specialized brushes are designed to distribute your hair’s natural oils evenly, reducing static and leaving your locks smoother and shinier. After washing, gently brush your hair with an anti-static brush, starting from the roots and moving towards the tips. Use slow, smooth strokes to avoid generating static.

Finally, you can also use static control sprays designed to neutralize the electrical charge in your hair. After washing and drying your hair, simply spray a static control product lightly over your hair, keeping it at arm’s length. Focus on the areas where static tends to be the most problematic. These sprays work effectively to leave your hair smooth and manageable.

By following these tips, you can effectively get static out of your hair after washing, ensuring that your locks remain sleek, smooth, and static-free.

The Top Products to Reduce Static Hair

The Top Products to Reduce Static Hair

In addition to the tips mentioned above, some excellent products can help you combat static hair effectively:

1. Living Proof No Frizz Humidity Shield: This anti-frizz spray creates an invisible shield to protect your hair from humidity and static.

2. Moroccanoil Treatment: Infused with argan oil, this treatment nourishes and hydrates your hair, keeping it smooth and frizz-free.

3. Bumble and Bumble Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil Primer: This lightweight primer adds moisture and shine while also providing heat protection.

4. Staticide Anti-Static Spray: A specifically designed static control spray that eliminates static electricity from your hair.

5. Olivia Garden NanoThermic Ceramic Ion Brush: This brush utilizes ion technology to eliminate static and leave your hair silky and shiny.’


Dealing with static in your hair can be a real nuisance, but with the right strategies and products, you can banish those flyaways for good. 

By understanding the causes of static and implementing these tips and products, you can enjoy smoother, more manageable hair throughout the year. 

Whether it’s winter or you’ve just straightened your hair, these solutions will help you keep static at bay, leaving you with gorgeous, frizz-free locks.

Why You Should Trust Haireveryday?

The author of this article, Leah Marie Priest has a degree in Cosmetology with years of experience in dealing with hair care, scalp care, and hairstyling. As someone who extensively deals with all kinds of hair textures, products, styling methods and more, hair Leah Marie knows what kind of products and procedures suit each hair type and person. We have also tested these hair products and processes ourselves to provide you an unbiased review about every product. Each of our articles are also reviewed by a team of medical professionals so that you get the most accurate and expert-reviewed information.

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