How Often Should I Moisturize My 4C Hair In Braids

How Often Should I Moisturize My 4C Hair In Braids | Is 2 Times A Week Best

“How Often Should I Moisturize My 4C Hair In Braids?”, well find out in the article below and also learn how to moisturize braids and if you should use coconut oil or shea butter for it.

Even though 4C curls are those that look absolutely beautiful, only a person with 4C hair will know and understand what it actually takes to maintain this hair type!

The 4C hair type is the curliest hair type out there and it is very prone to getting dry fast. 

This hair type is one that craves moisture, because the hair’s natural oils find it hard to flow easily to naturally moisturize the whole hair strand (thus leaving it dry).

This is why a lot of people with 4C hair, tend to turn towards protective hairstyles like braids to help keep their locs healthy and to reduce the damage caused to them due to hair dryness.

While braids are a good protective hairstyle, they require a good amount of maintenance if you want them looking healthy! 

This is when moisturizing your braids will come into play.  But, how often do you have to moisturize your 4C hair when in braids? Well, this article has all the answers for you!

How Often Should I Moisturize My 4C Hair In Braids

How Often Should I Moisturize My 4C Hair In Braids
Source: Instagram @ mphogiftveronica

Well, just like normal 4C hair, 4C braids too require just as much as moisturizing. But as to “how often” should you moisturize your braided 4C hair is based on how damaged or dry your hair is.

If your braided hair was very healthy previously, then you can moisturize it twice every week, while also conditioning it every time after washing your braids.

In case you had dry hair issues prior to braiding your hair, then you will need to moisturize your hair once every two days, along with conditioning it after each time you’ve washed your hair.

How Do You Keep Your Hair Moisturized Under Braids?

There are different tips I can let you in on, on how to keep your hair well moisturized while in braids.

Here are some tips that I have used personally and can vouch that they actually work wonders for 4C hair in braids. So here you go!

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Tip 1: Use a leave-in conditioner

You can use a leave-in conditioner once every week and it can either use a store bought product or even a homemade one. But I’d suggest that you choose a lightweight product so it doesn’t weigh your braids down.

If you have braid extensions on, then you can choose a conditioner that contains protein so it can strengthen your natural 4C hair.

Tip 2: Apply a leave-in moisturizer

twist butter for natural hair

You can use a good quality leave-in moisturizer for your braids and the best way to apply it is by taking a sufficient amount of moisturizer in your palm, rub your palms together and then work in chunks/sections.

So, you can grab a section of your braided hair and then rub the moisturizer down the length of your braids until no moisturizer is seen (meaning it has been well absorbed). Remember to never rub it upwards, as it will create frizziness when it dries up.

Tip 3: Use natural oil on your 4C braids

Natural oils are some of the best moisturizing agents for the hair and they are great sealants that can lock in moisture. Therefore, once you’ve applied a leave-in moisturizer on your hair, you can use this tip and rub a little natural oil along your braids to lock in the moisture. You can use any lightweight natural oil like coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, argan oil etc.

Tip 4: Make sure to deep condition

deep conditioner  natural hair

Deep conditioning is different from conditioning and must not be confused with each other. A deep conditioner contains more moisturizing ingredients that can help bring life back into dry locs.

Thus, it can be used in the form of a mask or a treatment and this can be done once every two weeks because its effects are known to last on the hair longer than regular conditioning products.

Tip 5: Spritz a moisturizing serum on your 4C braids regularly

For those with 4C hair, remember that your 4C braided hair craves water (not too much of course). So, the best thing your can do for your braids is spritz a little water on your braids once a day.

But instead of spritzing plain water on your hair, you could add in just a little conditioner in your spray bottle, to give your braided hair that little extra moisture it deserves.

Tip 6: Sleep on satin/silk

The purpose of moisturizing your braids will be defeated if you sleep on a cotton pillowcase. Well, this is because cotton absorbs moisture and thus will draw out the existing moisture from your braided hair.

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Therefore, you could either choose to sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase or you could also simply cover your braids in a satin or silk bandana while you sleep at night (in case you still wish to sleep on a cotton pillowcase), to reduce the loss of moisture from your hair.

Can I Use Shea Butter To Moisturize 4C Hair in Braids?

Shea Butter To Moisturize 4C Hair in Braids

Yes, you definitely can! Shea butter is known to be one of the best moisturizers for the 4C hair.

Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that is extracted from the shea nut. Using organic shea butter on your 4C hair in braids can give you the perfect amount if moisture your braids needs and can help promote better and healthier hair.

It can also help lock in moisture in your braids (without making it look oily or greasy), as it has natural emollient properties.

Will Moisturizing 4C Hair in Braids Everyday Cause Buildup

Well, undoubtedly, yes! Using excessive moisture or any other moisturizing agents on the hair will definitely lead to buildup. But that being said, read my first sentence again.

So, the reason I’ve mentioned “excessive” moisture is because 4C hair need to be moisturized a little every day, but the method of moisturizing you use shouldn’t be a heavy one on a daily basis. That’s why I recommended that you follow a good moisturizing routine. This will reduce the buildup formation on your scalp and hair.

If a heavy moisturizer is used on your braided 4C hair on a daily basis, you will have a lot of buildup that will form, which can lead to other hair problems.

But in case you do have buildup forming, then you could probably use a rattail comb in between your braids on your scalp to be able to help get rid of visible flakes or buildup on the scalp.

Can You Over-Moisturize 4C Hair?

Can You Over-Moisturize 4C Hair
Source: Instagram @ finehairandfaith

Since 4C hair is prone to dryness, most people tend to overfeed their hair (even if up in braids) with moisture. Well, let me be straight up with you guys – that is the worst thing you can do to your 4C hair!

Your 4C hair only requires moisture, but not excessive moisture. When the hair is exposed to excessive moisture, it will have a counter-effect on the hair, thus causing hair damage (instead of improving the health of the hair).

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Over-moisturizing the hair will lead to a condition called “hygral fatigue”. This is when the hair swells whenever it is wet (or over moisturized) and will begin to shrink as the moisture content decreases and the hair dries. This swelling and shrinking will cause damage to the hair and ends up in hair breakage over time.

Thus, forming a hair care routine for moisturizing your hair will help you reduce this problem.

How Often Do I Wash 4C Hair in Braids?

While your 4C hair is up in braids, maintenance is of utmost importance and that doesn’t mean just keeping your braids moisturized, it also entails washing your scalp and braids as well.

Without all around maintenance, your braids will get severely neglected and the purpose of getting a protective hairstyle is defeated.

Wash 4C Hair in Braids

Therefore, washing your braided hair and scalp every two weeks with shampoo (followed by a conditioner) is usually recommended, so that the dirt and product buildup can be eliminated.

how to Wash 4C Hair in Braids

But, for those of you who are into regular workouts, participate in daily swimming sessions and other daily workout sessions, then you will have to wash your braids at least once every week with shampoo (followed by conditioner) to be able to get rid of sweat buildup, dirt and grime is recommended.

If you wish to wash your hair more often, then I’d recommend a regular water wash (can be done even every day). You could also do a co-wash (conditioner wash) skipping the shampoo, which can be done once a week (but leaving a sufficient gap after the shampoo wash day).


While having your 4C hair in braids may seem like an easy-to-maintain hairstyle, it is definitely not! Having your hair in braids can also make your hair look unhealthy if not well moisturized.

Therefore, in order to protect your 4C braided hair from excessive damage, you will need to wash them, as well as moisturize them on a regular basis to be able to keep them healthy and protect your braids from damage.

There are many methods you can use to moisturize your 4C braids, so I’d recommend that you follow a combination of all, wherein you can simply form a braided hair care routine for yourself and I’m sure your braids will thank you!

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